Anything goes in here..


Using a tripod after a long time, and clicking


The urge to click freely is on one side, and the urge to click with a purpose is on the other side. If I have to publish something at my blog about Kadamakudy Islands, it must be about Kadamakudy. If I have to post something at Kerala Weekly Post, then it has to be connected with Kerala. If something has to go into Abysmindmaps, then it has be project management related stuff. Am I creating constraints around me. That is when abysmusings become meaningful. It is freedom.


To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.

Elliott Erwitt

While deleting photos


I did not delete the photos since I bought my phone, and the memory got almost full. It slowed down and it was difficult to capture new photographs and run applications smoothly. The efficiency and effectiveness of the phone deteriorated. The smartphone became very unpredictable and sometimes even unusable. Then I decided to delete some of the unwanted photos, and to my surprise there were lot of photos which I did not capture. They got downloaded from the social media automatically. This included some videos as well. Put together they occupied 8 GB of my phone which was struggling to perform with this unwanted load. After deleting some unwanted stuff, the performance  improved dramatically.

I find a similar effect in me when I meditate. Iam able to clear my mind of lot of unwanted stuff which got in there with and without my knowledge.

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Now this is the most sensational news about Modi’s overseas visit. Once while conducting a project management workshop in another country, there was just one Indian among the audience, and he was getting very sarcastic when I mentioned about the long que and the dirty toilets I experienced in that country. The fact is that this is the only airport that country has, where as in India we have 72 airports and each one of them is better than the single airport in that rich country. So is the case with Indian railways, the nuclear programs, the educational systems. The only thing Iam ashamed as an Indian is our third rate politicians who are not qualified for anything else except playing cheap politics. This Indian in the training room kept on being sarcastic about India and the Indians back home. No other nationality in the room ever spoke bad about their countries infront of an international audience. Some of them were from countries torn apart because of famine and civil war, still they did not speak bad about their motherland. At last I had to refund his course fee and ask him not to sit in the room as there was no mutual respect. That was a big shock to him because he thought no Indian would loose thousand dollars like this. Dear friend, Iam that proud, highly educated upper middle class Indian, who takes tremendous pride in my country except the corrupt politicians here. If this is how I felt when another fellow Indian in the room spoke bad about my country among an international audience, you can imagine how I must be feeling when the Prime minister does it.  I really feel ashamed about India and the plight of Indian people when the Prime minister of India, elected by proud citizens of India suddenly insults Indians in an international forum. Was he doing this always whenever he met other state heads to gain some empathy?. Only God and Obama knows.

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A flower for the gardner

I reached very early at George’s house to attend his funeral. He was one of the humblest in our family who was always ready to help those in need in whatever ways he could. Their garden was full of flowers, and I.could sense a kind of sorrow looming large everywhere in his house which included the flowers in their garden. They may be mourning the unexpected demise of their care taker. Only the good at heart can tender a plant till it flower, and enjoy the tenderness of it. Iam yet to see any one with a heart of stone nurturing a plant or enjoying the beauty of a flower. I have seen beautiful gardens only in homes with love.  Going by these, my cousin George was blessed. Rest in peace brother. Here is a flower from the garden for the gardner.


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